21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 21)
Thank you for sharing this journey together. It is our prayer that in some small way each of us heard a different voice calling us to...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 20)
Today we share an article for you to read. OUTLINE: During times of turbulence in politics, culture, and religious life, it’s tempting...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 19)
TOPIC: How Anti Racism Hurts Black People SPEAKER: John McWhorter, Professor, Columbia University Only 2 more days to go! Thank you for...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 18)
I hope we are all gaining new perspectives. Clip for today: Ex slaves talk about slavery in the USA. It is a story done by ABC News in...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 17)
Today is a short clip from The Tyler Merrit Project: Before You Call. It's been around so you may have seen it but it's worth watching....

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 16)
Hope everyone is doing well. Today is a video clip entitled Racism is Real. Description: If systemic racism isn't real, why are black...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 15)
TOPIC: It's All About the Love SPEAKER: Cornel West, Professor of Philosophy, Harvard Divinity School https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 14)
Welcome to Day 14 of the Race Equity Challenge. TOPIC: America's Jim Crow Explained SPEAKER: Hip Hughes God Bless Us Everyone and have...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 13)
TOPIC: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man - Interview 2 with Matthew McConaughey Speaker: Emmanuel Acho Matthew McConaughey...

21 Day Race Equity Challenge (day 12)
TOPIC: What Hispanic and Latinx mean in the United States Speaker: Fernanda Ponce Fernanda provides a first person account of...