We will once again be collecting items for backpacks to be given to local school children as well as The Neighborhood Center. You may choose to donate individual items or complete an entire backpack. Basic items include - backpacks, 5 pocket folders, marble composition books, expo dry erase markers, washable markers, pencil box and zippered pencil pouch, yellow highlighter, glue sticks, 4oz Elmer’s glue, child scissors, hand wipes, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, large erasers, and rulers.
The specific grade level checklists are now available on the table in the library. Please indicate on the sign-up sheet if you will be completing an entire backpack. Barbara and John Robinson will be ordering some items in bulk quantities. You may make monetary donations to them, and they will do the purchasing for you. All donations may be placed on the table in the caring corner by Sunday August 20.